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  • Writer's pictureSarah Hamilton

The Truth Behind Being a Disneyland Annual Pass Holder

With COVID 19 still being in full swing, Disneyland and California Adventure Parks have been shut down for about eight months now. That can make anyone who was planning a trip to California's Disneyland parks in 2020 disappointed, but what about the people who pay hundreds of dollars on an annual pass? I am one of those people.

Luckily, economically, I was in the best situation when the shutdown began. I pay a monthly fee to pay off my annual pass, and when the parks closed, Disney made the executive decision to refund monthly passholders for March and put a hold on charging the accounts until the parks reopened. For the passholders who paid in full upfront, their options were a little more confusing in the beginning. Disney allowed annual passholders who paid in full to cancel their pass and get a refund for the remaining months not used. If you decided to stick with the unusable passport, Disney was calculating partial refunds for the overall pass price for the months Disney remained closed. Either way, you were getting your money back. People were just confused by the "partial refund" statement. The partial refund depends on the date you originally purchased the pass. If the yearly passport were to expire a few months into the shutdown, then it would make sense for you to be refunded less money than someone who paid for theirs in February of 2020.

So what made me decide to get an annual pass? It all came down to me becoming persuaded by my love for Disney and some close friends who were already passholders. I did my research and found which pass option was best for me. I have the Disney Flex Pass. You can go during the week at any time but have to reserve days on the weekend. Holidays are the only exceptions where you might have block off dates, which means you cannot go to the parks. It was the most affordable and the best option for me because after doing the math, I only would have to go to Disneyland 10 times to make the pass worth it, and I did... within the first month of getting the passport.

Like I mentioned above, I picked the best pass option for me. There are many different types of annual passes that one can get depending on how much you are willing to pay. The more expensive the passport, the more perks you get. The more affordable, the more restrictions there will be. To find out more about the different types of passes, you can access the information here on the Disneyland website.

What people don't tell you is how addicting being an annual passholder can be. I was making the drive to Anaheim about three times a week, whether it was after work and some friends, and I wanted to get drinks in California Adventure or make a pit stop in at Disneyland to watch the latest parade or show. I was finding that my social life was turning into all these Disney adventures. Downtown Disney also connected to the parks allowed my friends and I to be able to try new restaurants and activities. We also did quite a bit of shopping. That probably wasn't good for my bank account, but my mood was happier overall.

When the holidays rolled around, starting with Halloween, the park transforms into this magical spooky land. The merchandise almost overnight switches from regular all year round merchandise to Halloween themed. The Haunted Mansion right changes to Nightmare Before Christmas (which is unique only to Disneyland), and the parks become decorated to the core with Halloween pumpkins and mickey ears. If you haven't ever experienced a holiday in any Disney park around the globe, make sure to add it to your bucket list. It sure is a sight to see! The only bummer about being a Flex Pass Annual Passholder is that the Oggie Boogie Bash in California Adventure is not included.

Around Thanksgiving and Christmas is the absolute best. Again, the merchandise and decorations change, but also food items tend to change as well. Families from all over the world travel to experience a Christmas at Disney. The characters and parades change, and the giant Christmas tree makes its annual appearance. My annual pass doesn't allow me to enter during the holiday days, but these decorations will stay up for all of November, December, and even into January.

Why do I love Disney so much? That is a very long story. Much of my love comes from memories that I cherish with my now passed grandparents, who used to take us at least twice a year to Disney World in Florida (they lived down there). They were so special to me that now when I am in a Disney park, I consistently remember their smiles and how much they loved their grandchildren. When I attend the theme parks with friends, I at least have to mention them once. I even sometimes drag my friends on the It's a Small World ride, and tears form each time I pass through it because it was my grandmother's favorite. Another reason I love Disney is that when I walk into the Disney area, my soul becomes a child again. The feeling of youthfulness washes over me. Disney has always held a special place in my heart and allowed me to drop my responsible adult act. It is one of the only spots I allow myself to forget all my troubles in life and can live in the moment. You can find me singing along to the music or dancing down the pathway being silly. If I see the show Fantasmic, I will be singing the theme song for the rest of the night at the top of my lungs. It is such a non-judgmental place to go and be around other people who love Disney as much as you do.

One thing I have noticed while at the Disneyland parks in California is that adults tend to express their love for Disney more through clothing and merchandise they own. If you aren't wearing something Disney, you stick out. It is very different than visiting Disney World in Florida. People there tend to dress more for the hot temperatures of Florida rather than the latest Disney attire. Some people believe this is because many of the visitors to Disneyland in California are local Californians, whereas the visitors of Disney World in Florida are more tourists. By having more locals within the California parks, they have more reason to buy the merchandise because they will be able to wear it more if they visit the parks often.

Being a Disneyland annual passholder has allowed me to create memories with my friends spontaneously and without pressure. Knowing that I can return to Disneyland later in the week if I miss out on my favorite ride, show, or restaurant, allows me to feel relaxed and able to enjoy the day without worrying about missing out on something. Many of my memories have started with my friends, and I wake up one morning and deciding to go to Disneyland with no plan ahead of time. The spontaneity of these plans makes the trip more exciting for me and allows me to appreciate the ability to be spontaneous when it comes to Disney. I am a constant planner of activities in my friend group, so this is an upside for me. At first, I was afraid I would regret spending so much money on an annual pass, but it has turned out to be one of the best decisions I have made in my life, and I wouldn't want it any other way.

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