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  • Writer's pictureSarah Hamilton

Letting Your Soul Lead the Way

I know this article is a day late. I usually post every Monday and Wednesday each week. Lately, my full-time job has ramped up, and I tend to get very busy during the day and work overtime hours. When you work for so long, and it gets late at night, it tends to cut into my blog time. So I listen to what my soul needs and wait until the next day to write my post.

Yesterday was a bit of a different story. Have you ever had an urge to go exploring in a new place? I recently have traveled back to California after spending the holidays with my family. I had the day off from work yesterday, and the weather was so perfect my soul was aching to be outdoors. With no plan, a friend and I traveled down to a secluded area in Rolling Hills, California. That is when we decided to go for a nature walk.

As we arrived at our destination, we exited the car, greeted with the hot sun-rays against our skin. The heat was such a contrast from what I had spent the last two months in Vermont. I welcomed the warmth like a friendly hug and instantly felt the embrace. The sky was clear, and the saltwater air passed through our masks and into our nostrils. We walked along the cliffside, and what turned from a nature walk turned into an impromptu photo shoot. The way the sun was shining and the mist hid the ocean made the atmosphere feel angelic. We could not miss this perfect opportunity to enjoy ourselves and capture the moment.

We walked until we spotted a lighthouse in the distance overlooking the Rolling Hills cliffs. We stopped and enjoyed the view. The breathtaking nature that was before me had been unbelievable to my eyes. I had never experienced a view like this in person. I had only seen things like this on television.

We decided to walk further until we spotted a path that led to the edge of the cliff. Making sure neither of us was too close to the edge, we peered out along the horizon. The sea below was covered by fog and mist from the sea, but we knew that the drop was significant. The fog allowed us to feel like we were up in the clouds. Almost like we were walking among them. It looked like how Heaven is portrayed in scripture and movies. Endless clouds, stretching further into the distance until it seemed eternal and forever lasting. My soul ached to continue exploring. Full of pure joy and happiness at the moments I was experiencing.

From above, we spotted our next destination. We saw a path that led down to a beach full of rocks. The hike down was easy, and when we reached the bottom and looked up, the height of the cliffs truly sunk in. We seemed so little compared to the cliffs and the mist rubbing up against them created a mysterious feeling within me. If it had been just a little bit darker, the cove would have felt a lot more spooky. I was amazed how in one location you can feel like you're floating in Heaven and then the next you can feel a sense of mystery and a tab bit of fear.

I spotted a location of the beach not too far in the distance. I felt like I needed to go there. I let my soul lead me, and I quickly made my way over the rocks. Halting in an area where the rocky beach was wet and glistening in the sunlight. My friend and I were amazed by how the water rushed over the rocks and created a beautiful clicking noise when the tide pulled the water back. It seemed to relax me more than a sand beach would have. I stood there in silence for a moment breathing in the fresh saltwater air. As we admired the environment, the sun was starting to set, and golden hour was upon us.

Golden hour is a moment in time where the sun is setting, and everything seems to have a gold sheen to it. Many photographers use this time of day to capture beautifully lit photographs. My friend suggested to take some photos and capture the spontaneity of the moment. We did not plan to be in this specific spot at that time. In reality, we were supposed to have been there earlier in the day, but I had a last minute commitment in the morning. Every moment we had experienced had been by chance. We had never been to this location, and we did not even think to come during golden hour. Sometimes life and your soul lead you to where you need to be.

I have always been one to follow my inner intuition. As a child, I would wander into the forest behind my house and walk all around exploring, allowing myself to pulled by my curiosity and inner self. As an adult, I have not had many opportunities to do the same. I had thought about it before but never could seem to find the time. Life always seemed to get in the way. My trip to Rolling Hills allowed me to realize I needed to explore and breathe. Get away from all the stress from work or my concerns about the pandemic. It allowed me to feed myself in a way that I did not even know I technically needed at that moment. I realized that I needed to let my adult self wander with the same curiosity I attained as a child and not stifle it.

Letting your soul lead the way sometimes can allow you to realize what you need in that moment of life. I needed a moment to not think or feel a certain way about something in my life. I needed a moment of true relaxation and enjoyment. I needed to let my curiosity take over more to keep me spontaneous and adventurous. All of these I had not realized until I was standing on the rocky beach below the cliffs. It is interesting how life can lead you to a place to open up your mind and expand your thinking.

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