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  • Writer's pictureSarah Hamilton

Japan Pet Cafes: What You Should Know Before Visiting

Whenever you look up things to do in Japan, pet cafes are always on the list. Why is this? Why are pet cafes so attractive to the tourist? Are they ethical? Should I support them? These are all excellent questions to ask before visiting. Here are a few things to know and to look for while considering attending a pet cafe.

Why Are Pet or Animal Cafes Trending? - In Japan, many people do not have space or time to take care of a pet properly. The locals enjoy having a place to go to be with animals. As for some U.S. travelers, some pet cafes allow you to get up close and personal with animals that you would not be able to in the United States. That appeals to the average U.S. tourist because you would not be able to experience it elsewhere. Another factor is that because animal cafes are so popular, people visiting Japan feel like it is a staple of the trip. They have to follow the trends and experience of what is the latest hit.

Do Your Research - I have learned the hard way that walking into a random animal cafe off the street might not be the best idea. The building could be doing a renovation, the animals could be in cages, or the animals could not be well taken care of. Unfortunately, all these factors I have run into, in Japan, while walking into an unknown pet cafe to me. Although websites can sometimes be misleading, many pet cafes are helping the city and are well maintained. Some pet cafes adopt stray animals or become a shelter to take in animals who have been surrendered by the owner. That helps non-governmental organizations (NGO) to manage animals within the city. These pet cafes allow animals to have a safe, long life in Japan and take excellent care of them. These pet cafes tend to be better for the tourists as well, and all it takes is time to do some research to find some around the city.

Animals Are Unpredictable - Something to keep in mind is, no matter how well-trained animals can still go rogue. It is like every zookeeper says, "You can take the animal out of the wild, but not the wild out of the animal." That also can include domesticated pets. How many times have we read about a dog biting someone? Or a cat scratching up someone's arm? You never know how an animal will react. Just because they are trained, or have been handled by humans often, does not mean they cannot also be cranky one day. This factor is always something to consider if you are bringing children along.

Make a Reservation - Most pet cafes have a deal online if you make a reservation ahead of time. If you show up at the door, the price can be costly, and you might have to wait in line. Most animal cafes in Japan are smaller as well. The cafe owners need to restrict the number of people inside to avoid frightening the animals. If you do not make a reservation, you may need to go early and be understanding if you cannot get in for a few hours later.

The Food Is Not the Point - Do not plan on having a lavish meal at an animal cafe. Many cafes have a limited menu of food and drink. They are (or should be) more concerned about the animals within the establishment rather than the food provided. Some pet cafes do have a tasty menu and more options! I am just saying, do not expect anything because usually, these cafes have their priorities elsewhere.

Make Sure the Animals Look Healthy - If you feel or notice something is wrong with the animals, then there is a problem. Things to look for are cleanliness of the environment, odors, liquids coming from the animals' orifices, and odd animal behavior. If you witness any of these or other issues, you should politely ask for your money back, explain the problem, and then leave. The next step would be to report the establishment to the authorities. With the rise of animal cafes becoming popular in Japan, this is a concern the government is currently having.

Are Pet Cafes Ethical? - That is a question every person needs to ask themselves. Do they go against your beliefs? Maybe you should not attend them then. That is up to you and you alone. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and can make their choices about animal cafes based on what they have experienced, beliefs, and knowledge. If you are on the fence, do some research! Find out as much as you can about them. There are a lot of animal cafes out there! Maybe you will find one that lines up with what you believe in.

Animal cafes are hard to navigate, in the sense that many of your friends might have opposing views towards them. It has always been the source of a bit of controversy. I have had a blast at some pet cafes and horror stories at others! Just do some research, make an educated decision, and visit one if you come to that conclusion.

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